Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Week 8: ending 1 September - windows & doors in

Things keep moving at the rate of knots.  The windows & doors arrived & have been installed.

Peter joined us for an inspection on Father's Day - Sunday 3 September. 


Ensuite & master bedroom

Street view
Come on in

Can't wait till its tiled & painted
The boys on the Al Fresco
The sunrise view from bed.... alas, not the guest bedroom.

And now there are yet more decisions to be made:   How to light a mirror?  How many power points & where? Down lights, up lights, side lights?  Switches high or low?  Data points?  TVs?  All needed to keep the progress happening.    

Week 7: Roof completed & sarking (week ending 26 August)

After the Ekka, the winds dropped & the roofing was completed.

(ignore the date...fixed on the camera after this)

And the sarking was added too, finished on a Saturday.